Braeden & Emily


I like to take the credit for Braeden, my brother, meeting Emily. A few years back, I invited him to hang out with my friend circle. His laid back personality and quick wit makes him a top notch friend, so it wasn’t long until I started seeing him more often. I’m so thankful for those times, as our own relationship grew immensely and I got to see him as more than just my little brother.

However, never did I think that Braeden, or rather, Emily would too see Braeden in a different light. Her and I had become friends recently, and led a Young Adults group together in my home. Occasionally, I’d check up on her and see if there was any interest. Turns out she was lying to me, she had indeed found something interesting in Braeden. (It’s okay, Emily I forgive you lol)

Us Giesbrechts apparently have a tradition of getting married on Thursdays, and these two were the first official wedding at Starlit Point. Braeden & Emily sat me on the bench and told me I wasn’t allowed to work, so huge shout out to Dale and his wife, Lanae, for shooting this wedding and giving me such good footage to edit with. Just going to a wedding and taking it in without a camera in my hand was refreshing.

I could go on about these two for paragraphs, but I’m going to let you see how absolutely freakin adorable and loving they are in the film. Thanks for letting me be a guest at your wedding, I’m so thankful to have my middle sister officially in my life <3



Our Time by Percy Falls and You are Mine by Secret Nation


Glo Makeup Studio

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